Plastick Climb

Publishing FAQ

Q. How do I publish a climb to KAYA? 

  1. Climbs are published to KAYA using the existing Status System built into the setting workflow.  A climb will publish to KAYA when it has any of the following statuses: Complete, Checked Off, Cut Short.

Q. How do I know if a climb has been published?

  1. You will see a “Published to KAYA” indicator below the status on each climb’s data card.

Q. What does “publishing” a climb mean?

  1. When a climb is “published” to KAYA, that means that it is publicly visible in the KAYA app on the gym map and climb list. 

Q. When should I publish a climb?

  1. Climbs can be published individually as you finish forerunning or you can publish all the climbs together at the end of the setting day.  

Q.  How does this affect push notifications to my members?

  1. Push notifications are now directly tied to publishing climbs.  KAYA will now send out a push notification when one of two criteria are met:

  1. When all climbs in a zone with today’s date are set to Complete, Checked Off, or Cut Short a push notification will be sent out.  This can happen at any time of day.  If you finish setting at 1:00p and all climbs are switched to one of the above statuses, the push notification will go out.  NOTE: Climbs planned for future dates will not be taken into account for the new set notifications.

  2. As a fallback, at 6:00p PST, a push notification will go out for any new climbs in a zone that have had their status set to Complete, Checked Off, or Cut Short.  Any climbs that are not set to one of the statuses will not show in KAYA when the push notification goes out. 

Here are example scenarios:

Let’s assume Zone 1 is being reset with 3 total climbs:

  • Climb A - set date is today

  • Climb B - set date is today

  • Climb C - set date is tomorrow

If climbs A & B are marked complete at 1:45pm local time, then a new set notification will go out on the next hour at 2:00pm local time. 

If climb A is the only climb marked as complete, then a new set notification will go out at 6:00pm PST.  If climb B’s date is changed to a future date, then a new set notification will go out on the next hour.

If no climbs are marked as complete, then no new set notification will go out.  

Q. What happens if I have climbs planned for multiple dates in a zone (exp: rope climbing anchors)?

  1. Push notifications are only tied to climbs that are linked to the current day.  If you have climbs that are assigned for a future date, they will not be included in the above scenarios.  

Q. What happens if our team accidentally forgets to mark a climb as Complete, or doesn’t have time to finish setting all planned climbs?

  1. Climbs not marked as Complete will not be published to KAYA, so KAYA climbers won’t see the climb until it’s actually completed. 

Climbs planned for today but will not be completed until the next setting day should have their dates updated to the next planned setting day. If not updated, then the new set notification will be sent out at 6pm PST for all climbs marked as Completed, Checked Off or Cut Short.

EXAMPLE 1 (click to enlarge)