Below are step by step instructions and a checklist for creating and running your first KAYA Challenge:

  1. Log in to Plastick

  2. Click “Challenges” in the left hand menu

  3. Click the + icon in the top right hand corner to create a new challenge.

  4. Follow the checklist below to ensure all your settings are properly enabled:



  • Challenge Logo for event (300x300): The Main Photo represents the host of the Challenge, and is displayed on the Challenge View within the KAYA app. Generally a gym or brand logo. The dimensions of this photo must be

  • Challenge Banner Photo* (2000x2000): We suggest this have a compelling photographic element or graphic design


  • Challenge Name: 

  • Short Description (67 characters): simple call out, “climb hard, win prizes!”

  • Long Description: Include rules and general info here

  • Prize: 

  • Registration Start: 

  • Registration End: Registration end date can be the same as challenge end date.

  • Challenge Start: 

  • Challenge End: 

  • Collect T-Shirt Sizes: Toggle on to ask members for T-shirt sizes

  • Individual challenge / Team Challenge: Toggle on to enable teams. Choose minimum and maximum team size. Leave toggled off for an individual challenge

  • Categories: Toggle on to enable categories. Add categories as desired: ie: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Pro, Masters, etc.

  • Auto Assign Users to Categories based on registered grade? (Sandbag Detection): Default to on. (highly recommended)

    Enabling auto-assigning of categories allows KAYA to automatically assign climbers into their appropriate categories by matching their registered max grade with the appropriate category's grade range.

    Auto-assigning also enables KAYA's sandbag detection which automatically bumps competitors to the appropriate category if their performance exceeds their registered category. Disabling this allows the climber to choose their own category, and relies on the event admins to handle sandbagging.

  • PaymentFree or paid? Note: App Store and Google Play will take 30% of each registration fee, with the remaining going to the challenge host (gym, organization, or even a foundation you are raising money for). KAYA does not charge a fee for challenges.



  • Location/s: Keep Global toggled off.

  • Climb Type: Select Bouldering or Routes

  • Scoring Type: Relative and Absolute scoring are the most commonly used.

    • Absolute Scoring - Scores are calculated on a linear basis based on the grade. V0 = 100, V1 = 200, V3 = 300, etc.

    • Relative Scoring - A competitor’s score is directly related to their handicap (registered max grade). If a climber has a V5 handicap they will receive 100 points for a V5. For v6 they will receive 110 points. For v4 they will receive 80 points. Each grade deviation is +10/-20 points.

    • Custom Scoring - Assign custom point values to each climb in the “Points” section of the Climb Card on Plastick.

    • Volume - Each climb is counted as one point regardless of difficulty. Climber with the most ascents wins.

    • Relative + Custom Override - Relative scoring as above for default points. If a climb is assigned a "Points'' value in Plastick, then that value is used instead.

  • Climb Expiration: The number of days after a climb is set that it is eligible for scoring. This can be used to make newly set climbs eligible for only a finite number of days, up to the whole length of the challenge. By default, this is set to 0, which means no expiration.

Note: This goes into effect as soon as the climb is live on Plastick. For example, if a climb goes live on Plastick at 4:30pm and Climb Expiration is set to 1, that climb will expire at 4:30pm the next day, and loggers will no longer receive points for sends after that 24 hours have passed.

  • Score Interval: Set the number of days for each scoring period. If you are running an event and calculating scores each week, the score interval would be 7. By default, this is set to 0, which is for the entire duration of the challenge.

  • Top Ascents per Interval: This is the top number of ascents you want to count towards a user’s score on the leaderboard. For example, if you are taking the top 3 sends, type in “3”. By default, this is set to 0, which adds the total points of all ascents.

  • Attempts Penalty Max: Subtract 1 point from a competitor's score for each attempt, up to X number of attempts, where X is the number you put in this box. If you set this value to 5, a competitor will lose one point for every attempt after the first, up to a maximum of 5 points, even if they have more than 5 attempts. By default, this is set to 0, for no penalty for attempts.

  • Repeats Allowed: Toggle on to allow competitors to climb the same climb multiple times and earn additional points for the challenge. Default is toggled off.

  • Repeats Reset per Interval: Toggle on to allow repeating climbs for each new interval. For example, in a weekly challenge where the tagged climbs never expire, a user can get points for the same climb two weeks in a row, but not multiple times within each week. Default is toggled off.

  • Average Score: Toggle on for team scoring. Calculates an average score per person per interval (sum of all points accrued in the interval / # of sends). This is usually used in leagues. Default is toggled off.

  • Video Required: Only ascents with uploaded videos will count towards the participant's score. Typically used in place of judge/peer signature, and populates more beta to your gym/destination page. Default is toggled off.

  • Tag: Choose the tag that will define whether or not a climb is eligible to be scored. Custom Tags can be created by clicking Settings → Tags in the menu on the left. If this is set to None, all climbs are eligible.

  • Bonus Tag: This allows you to assign a Custom Bonus Tag to your challenge, which defines if a climb is eligible to be scored in addition to the top X ascents for a competitor in a given interval. Example: A climber has sent their top 5 climbs for the challenge. If the climber sends an additional climb with a bonus tag, then the climber's score will consist of the top 5 climbs + 1 bonus climb. Custom Tags can be created by clicking Settings → Tags in the menu on the left. 

  • # of Bonus Sends Allowed per Time Interval: This is the number of bonus sends allowed per the defined score time interval above.